The silver bullet aspect of the deck is one of the reasons why I like it so much in the first place. Until pioneer remastered or whatever comes out, these two are the most valuable ramp payoffs in the format and honestly what you should be looking for most of the time when you play Masterminds Acquisition, speaking of which: I am aware that running one of’s is usually a terrible idea but keep in mind that I’m running 4 tutors/wishes so it kinda works out(?) (look man, I’m very open to suggestions) With all that being said It doesn’t really do any one thing all that impressively Having an exile effect is nice but I’m still torn on itĮreboros’s intervention It’s a nice way to gain life against burn and a very flexible piece of removal. I haven’t seen as much mono white lately so there’s no need for Ritual of Soot It’s a nice sweet spot as both deal very well with most aggro boards. It also kills Prospectors, Snoops and all of the hasty gobbosĬry of the Carnarium/Languish I like two crys (cries?) and three Languishsss. With all of the Spirit dancing going around you need at least 3 to Immediately deal with a turn two Kor. This is the part of the deck that I’m currently most conflicted with Try to scry every turn and also before your draw step when you’re struggling. Mazemind tome This card is key in control matchups but also very useful against aggro because of the healing. What’s not to love? Honestly, he sometimes feels a little bit too slow. He ramps you, gives you a card, and a blocker for Muxus. Popping it for an extra card is also nice.

But seriously, I could not tell you the amount of times that I've won games solely from going Turn 2 Mindstone into Turn 3 Languish (Wizards, reprint Sol Ring you cowards).

Mind Stone This stupid thing sometimes feels like the best card in the deck. Also, its ability is a win condition when you reach topdeck wars Golos, Tireless Pilgrim Use it to fetch Stronghold, which is the most important card in the deck. Its basic goal is to generate ridiculous amounts of mana with Cabal Strongholds, and then to fetch big bois and silver bullets from the sideboard with Masterminds AcquisitionsĬhromatic Lantern The card that gives the deck its name and allows you to play all five colors of magic, and while it does enable all of the cards from your sideboard, most of the time you'll be using it to activate Golos The deck was first created by AliEldrazi. I've been farming auras and gobbos all month I've been grinding away at ladder with one of my favorite decks I've ever played in any card game.