Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Inorganic Physiology (Type 2), Acrobatics, Expert in Close Combat, Weapon Mastery, Vehicular Mastery, Enhanced Senses ( Can track footprints by touching the ground), Electricity Manipulation and Status Effect Inducement with Tasers, Armor Generation, Limited Matter Manipulation ( Programs can change their outfits at will), Immense Pain Tolerance ( Withstood torture from Dyson), Smoke Manipulation with Smoke Bombs, Flight and Energy Projection with Lightjet, Explosion Manipulation with Lightboat, Memory Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Healing and Attack Reflection with Identity Disc ( Identity Discs can be used to look through the owners memories and can be tampered with to conjure fake ones, they can also heal the owners injuries) Resistance to Data Manipulation, Mind Manipulation and Corruption ( Broke free from CLU's repurposing, which is done by rewriting a programs code)Īttack Potency: Street level ( Can easily overpower other Programs, Identity Discs can cut grid metal and derez other Programs and can even cut through other Discs if thrown hard enough) | At least Small Building level (Comparable to Beck.

46 Doctor Strange (Marvel Cinematic Universe) MoM Updates.41 America Chavez (Marvel Cinematic Universe).36 Thor (Marvel Cinematic Universe) lil tiny rework.

32 Moon Knight (Marvel Cinematic Universe).